05 November 2007

Every day is an opportunity

For people of faith, there are no coincidences.

If you believe this statement as strongly as I do, you might wonder, as I do, what to make of those circumstances that we must unexpectedly confront, like a deer standing on a dark road. What can we make of obstacles we couldn't possibly have seen coming or trouble that gives us no time for anything but instinctual reaction?

Yesterday, I heard a thought on the topic I'd like to share.

We can find ourselves in the right place at the right time (good for us) or we can find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time (bad for us). Both scenarios present us with an opportunity to know God. Why? Because, for people of faith, there are no coincidences.

It doesn't matter who we are or what we do or how un-godly we act, the fact is, God set us on a path and he will keep intersecting that path until we take note of his presence, kind of like that deer in the road. In this regard, even what seems like trouble coming our way is transformed into an opportunity for us to become the best person possible, the person we were intended to be all along.

When you think of life's challenges this way, they become just a bit easier to overcome.

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