30 July 2008

With heavy eyelids I write...

I’ve discovered a piece of routine for my new self — my new fully-settled-on-the-farm, just-me-and-them-animals, surviving-just-fine-without-air-conditioning, don’t-need-to-be-out-the-door-before-eight, self. And this routine involves music — spacey, sultry, sometimes scintillating music. Seriously.

I stumbled onto a music program that plays Monday through Thursday nights from 9 p.m. to 11, on KMSU called Echoes. You can learn more about the program at the Echoes web site, where its sound is described as cross-cultural and trans-millennial, merging cultures and forms, technology and tradition, the ancient past and the possible future. You can see why I’m attracted, now, can’t you?

Even the host has a voice that sounds like it originates from deep within the planet.

I’m finding these Echoes compositions so mesmerizing that I can no longer climb the stairs toward bed before 11 p.m. lest I miss the journey through just one more amazing soundscape.

It’s worth noting that six months ago I couldn’t stay awake past 9:30 if my life depended upon it. Now, I schedule online research or video or graphics work for after sunset. And so my new routine is to sit, illuminated only by the glow of an LCD computer monitor, and find places in cyberspace to visit while this music sweeps my new, nocturnal self, through the solar system.

Then a brief window opens for me when John Diliberto signs off. I must run to bed quickly then. For if I remain in my chair until 11:01, well, I’m doomed. That’s when the jazz starts.

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