23 June 2008

A little 'free press'

I consider the pitches I make to the Mankato press on behalf of the farmers' market, akin to picking red apples right there at the bottom of the tree. You know, going after that low hanging fruit! I mean seriously. It's Mankato.

Nonetheless, it's still gratifying to have young reporters take the bait and it's even more gratifying to this "seasoned" hack when they lift my "pitch" word for word as they develop their stories. It could only be better for them if I'd added gift wrapping.

On opening day in May, my pitch garnered the market coverage on the front page of the Sunday A section, above the fold, with four color photos. This past weekend, newspaper reporters were back and joined by the lovely Kira Klapper from the local CBS affiliate, KEYC television. I steered the TV reporter to one of my favorite vendors in an effort to stay off screen. (They say the camera adds 20 pounds!) I wasn't lucky enough to avoid the paper photographer though. At least the angle was good.

Find the newspaper story here.

Find the TV piece here.

It's says a lot about this south central Minnesota community that when children of color come to town, it's news.

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