14 July 2008

A day off...

Sunday brought us weather that is as close to perfection as I'm likely to find in Blue Earth County. The sky was powder blue, tufts of cloud drifted lazily across the open expanse, and the line of trees at lake-side filtered the wind into a aural shimmer. So I decided to take the day off...from weeding, from blogging, from editing, from thinking. So serious was I to not taint a full day's respite from mental activity, I didn't just steer clear of my computer; I turned it off.

Instead, coffee was sipped outdoors. I read an article about making cheese. I baked cookies. I pulled onions and herbs from the garden and prepped them for future meal-making. I cut carrots. I took a nap in the hammock. I gazed at the vineyard for long stretches, taking in the sight of more than 600 vibrant vines climbing toward heaven. I took stock of the weeds underfoot, knowing that this was a chore left for another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Jackie. Days like that are good for the soul.
Don't worry about those weeds. Brother Tony and his weed-slaying accomplice/daughter Steph will rescue you soon. And she's fresh!