23 April 2009

Flapping our wings, getting nowhere...

There have been whitecaps on the water all week long. Today, it is a south wind pounding Four Cedars Farm. And I mean pounding.

The Canada geese and the black ducks have been attempting take-offs from the water all morning. I watched them launch headfirst into the wind, and then flap feverishly to stay aloft. Most, I noticed, gave up quickly and returned to the water.

And isn't this how some days go for us too? We have places to go, things to do, but a force blows in from some direction causing us to flap our wings toward exhaustion. And we get nowhere.

We could keep trying, keep flapping. But it's better to do like the ducks, I think. Give up for now ... enjoy the water ... try again later. Because the wind shifts and, every now and then, it also subsides. Albeit briefly.


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