27 January 2008

Called to write

The journey through transition is an attempt to discern a calling. All of us, I believe, are called to some purpose, role, vocation … to something. The challenges that arise with these “callings” are: hearing them, believing in them, and following through -- especially when your calling sets you on a forward journey through uncharted territory, as has mine.

Some days I feel as if I’m Moses wandering through the desert. At some point, I’ll have to tell those who follow my movements that I’m on a journey but I’m not really sure where I’m going, what I’m looking for or even how I’ll recognize my destination when I find it. But, I travel nonetheless because doing so has been asked of me. It’s just me attempting to answer a call, which, honestly, was nothing more than a faint, barely discernable whisper which I couldn’t now describe if my life depended upon it. I didn’t see a blinding light. There were no angels. I didn’t get knocked on my can.

I can hear grumblings from the crowd already. Such craziness!

My calling is to write. Okay, I can hear the questions forming in your heads. What will you write about? Who will you write about? Will it be a book? How many pages will it be? How long will it take you? You know people don’t read anymore, don’t you?

My answers to these questions are: I don’t know; I don’t know; I don’t know; I don’t know; I don’t know; and, I know.

And yes, I’m already a writer so what’s the big deal, you might wonder. Well, part of the call is finding a new purpose for my words. It’s about finding a truer story. It’s about writing more honestly than my clients have ever allowed me to write. It’s about opening a door for readers; a door they hadn’t realized existed.

I was telling a wise friend who helps me with my transition how all the uncertainties I face to answer this call had become a worry.

“What are you sure of?” she asked. “What do you know you have?”

I have resolve.
I have the ability to overcome.
I have a place where the spirit stirs within me.
I have stories.
I have faith.
I have a call.

“You have a lot,” she said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's right. You do have a lot.