15 January 2008

The long, long month that is January

I couldn't bear to upload another snapshot of the snow-covered farm yard, even though, that's really all I've got to offer you today. It doesn't matter which direction you look, all you can see is snow. The yard, the gravel driveway, the landscaping, the timbers, the woodchips, everything is buried under a solid crust of snow. To make matters worse, when you venture outside with a metal camera, your fingers get cold very fast. For a change of pace, I decided to get a bit artsy. Here's a shot Jim took (through the kitchen window), which I gussied up just a bit. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck, I'm sorry it's so stinking cold back home. It's surprisingly warm in Győr. The temp nearly reached 50 today. I'll try to send the warmth your way!