25 November 2008

Let us not forget to whom we owe our gratitude ...

Before the hors d'oeuvres, before the turkey and cranberry sauce and smashed potatoes ... before sitting to enjoy any of it, remember where it all came from. And, as our nation's first president instructed, give thanks to the one who provides. (Click image to read the original proclamation declaring a national day of thanksgiving in the United States.)

Remember also, as tough as our times seem, with news of bankruptcies and bailouts and economic woes numbing our senses, Americans are a free people who experience a higher standard of living than most of the world's population. So we can be grateful for tough times too, for they can make us more accutely appreciative of what we do have. And if you count among your blessings good friends and loving family, as I do, thank God, as I do. I thank God for you.

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