Heidi is also a brand new author! Today, she handed me her book, part memoir part farmstead cookbook, when she stopped by to spice up the old granary.
I tell you, when I look at this picture of Heidi, I have a hard time picturing her tracking around the farm in muck boots. Yet I've seen it with my own eyes.
I first learned Heidi was writing a book in January, and when I got my hands on her manuscript, I couldn't believe the stories held within. You see, Heidi and Chuck were raised in a metro area. Their first house was in Minneapolis. You know the neighborhood; it's the one where you can see into your next door neighbor's bathroom everytime you grab a glass of water from your kitchen faucet! Heidi has such a story in her book, along with all the trial and error her and Chuck went through as they transitioned from city to country.
Her tale resonates with me, though she and Chuck dove into the deep end of farming. I'm still sitting on the edge of the pool, splashing water with my feet. Heidi and Chuck also have five dogs, five BIG dogs, each one s

Heidi's recipes are pretty terrific too, and there's lots of them. I recommend using the pork or beef or chicken they raise on Thompson's Painted Hill Farm. Visit their web site to find out where to buy it, or buy direct. Heidi also includes a few recipes from my other farmer friend, Janice Guldan, who happens to be one of the best cooks I know.
You can learn more about Heidi's book on her blog. Heidi says at the end of her book that she's just opinionated enough to be dangerous -- to herself. I hope not.
After handing me my autographed copy, Heidi took stock of the blank canvas known also as "the big birdhouse." Personally, I think she spent more time looking at the ladders than the building.