Well, the spirit of Betros lives proudly in hubby, who like my ancestor, can't pass an abandoned piece of wood without seeing it be repurposed in some yet-to-be dreamed up project here at the farm. Case in point, our recently completed chicken coop/chicken house.
The A-frame coop used to be part of the roof of an old hay building. The door to the coop is an old chain-link fence gate. The roof was a discard from Amery, Wis. In the chicken house (which was an unused shed found on the property) the window came from a client demolition project, the wire-covered walls were lying on the side of the road during "clean-up" week, as was the formica shelf that will hold the nesting boxes. The hinges on the door also came from a client demoltion. And, most of the nails were reused from some older project.
Betros would have been proud.

shit thats nice!
No vulgarity on the blog, please!
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