Summer is winding down. It was a glorious, albeit brief, season despite the fact that those connected to Four Cedars Farms experienced much life transition in the time it takes to plan — and plant — a vineyard. It's far easier to plan for plants than it is to plan for life, we learned.
If I had to sum up our summer in terms of life, I'd say this was a summer of changed plans. Consequently, this also became a summer of growth, a time to adapt to new circumstances. To meet challenges wherever they sprouted. There's irony here because in the vineyard too, we witnessed growth and change as dreams took root and growth brought beauty and weeds. A metaphor for life? Perhaps.
Yet I'm too tired tonight to go looking for symbolism. Tonight, I take just a moment to muse on the signs that summer is packing for a long drive south. I'll miss her.
Clues that summer is on her way out:
- The football field in town is populated with boys wearing pads and helmets.
- Tomorrow is the first day of class at state colleges.
- I tolerated long sleeves while weeding.
- It's warmer in the garage than it is inside the house.
- I've resorting to wearing socks.
- The apples are starting to fall off the tree.
- Every day, there are more Ziploc bags filled with produce in the freezer.
- The duck hunters paid me a courtesy call to ask for lake access.
- The leaves of the cottonwood tree are hinting at yellow.
- My after-dinner thoughts have turned from cold beer to red wine...
Hmmm. Autumn can be a swell season too...
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