The french chef arrived at the farm kitchen three hours before I'd anticipated. Good thing as it took him a while to unpack his gear and make my kitchen his own. To warm up for the evening's activities, he clarified a pound of butter, then whipped up a tasty potato soup with lamb. That's the way it's done, he tells us. The chef and his staff eat first, then they cook for their clientele. I was grateful, because tonight, I was staff.

This Thanksgiving eve was all about preparing desserts. Below, chocolate melts in a makeshift double boiler while egg yolks temper in a bowl and egg whites stiffen in the Kitchen Aid mixer. The end result? Flourless Chocolate Cake.

Below, pastry made from fine rice flour holds prepared apples for a lattice-topped pie. I'm proud to say the apples grew out back.

With the chocolate cake cooling in the background of this next picture, the apple pie in the oven, and a pumpkin pie waiting to go in next, chef gathers the many ingredients necessary for his specialty: gluten free bread. The cabernet, and keeping on top of the numerous dirtied dishes, was my contribution to the effort.

Tomorrow we're all about braising turkey, whipping hot potatoes, mixing risotto with chef's special stock, and perfecting gravy without the benefit of wheat flour. The cranberry sauce has been prepared and chilled. The vegetable salad is coming along with guests. With only a handful of folks coming for dinner, the only challenge we face tomorrow is how to fill the hours typically reserved for football. One idea being floated: a skeet shooting contest.
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