- Our land once belonged to the Winnebago Indians;
- Our land and all that surrounds us was later settled by a family named Phillips;
- An American Foursquare was as common to home design in 1890 as a split entry home was back in 1970;
- Our home was once heated with wood and the person who removed the wood stove is rued by me to this day;
- The kitchen was an add-on, sometime between 1940 and 1960;
- The bathroom was last remodeled circa 1960. Note the then-trendy pink cast-iron sink pictured below, and
- We have given this property more TLC in the past 2 years than it has seen in a coon's age.

For us, the stars began to align last summer when one of Handy's customers discarded a perfectly fine ceramic sink and toilet. Being a born recycler, two items destined for a landfill ended up instead in our garage, awaiting completion of a plan. Earlier this winter, we found a remnant roll of attractive vinyl flooring. A light bar came to us from a re-use center in town. After pricing out new tubs or resurfacing processes, we decided to be at peace with our pink tub. That left us with only one piece of the puzzle to place: a cabinet/countertop with the angled edges to allow us to move confortably past the sink to either the toilet or the laundry, which is tucked into a cove at the far end of the bathroom. We quickly learned that standard cabinets had become very costly and custom cabinets were beyond our reach. Well, not quite...

1 comment:
Looks GREAT...my kitchen awaits you !!!!! :)
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